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Providing employee
benefits to the agricultural
community since 1972
AHBA is a non-profit membership
organization serving agricultural
employers in Napa, Sonoma and
surrounding counties.
Nuestros representantes
de beneficios hablan
español con fluidez.
Our friendly benefits
representatives speak fluent Spanish.
Welcome to Ag Health Benefits Alliance of Northern California

Ag Health Benefits Alliance is a non-profit membership organization serving the agricultural industry in Napa, Sonoma, and surrounding counties. AHBA members are growers of wine grapes; other agricultural crops, vineyard managers, and wineries of all sizes.

Learn more about us: Click Here

Ag Health Benefits Alliance

Benefits Information

AHBA group health plan members can easily access benefits information online, anytime. Utilize HealthView to check claim status, access detailed plan benefit information and find providers near you.

Employee Assistance Program

The EAP is a free, confidential service to assist employees and family members with a wide range of challenges they may face in their work and/or personal lives. AHBA partners with Magellan to provide caring, bilingual support 24/7, by phone or through their robust website.

Employer Resources

A wide range of comprehensive, easy-to navigate and understand human resource and benefit guidelines for employers.

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